Golden Ear v1.3 is ready for download (Now 1.5)
From now on, Golden Ear has a brand new app icon. Some of our users complained that the previous one doesn't look contemporary, we agree with that, and took a lot of time looking for a right design. Besides the new icon, this update includes some important changes: 1. Performance improvement in APE decoding. If you listen to APE audio a lot, this update is super important. Not only it saves your battery life, seeking inside a track now works almost instantly. That is a great improvement over the last version. 2. Add volume control to the bottom panel. People uncomfortable with hardware volume control can enjoy it now. And it is AirPlay compatible.
3. In this update, we also add Chinese and French languages localization. If you're willing to help in other languages, please contact us . We'll add a thank you in app. iTunes Link: Golden Ear in App Store Update in 1.4: 1. Add Italian localization. 2. Fix crash bugs when reading corrupted Flac file or when clicking Now Playing button in iOS 4.1 3. Add character encoding option for CUE file support. Update in v1.5 (2011/5/12):
- Fix playing gap when switching apps - Add headphone remote control support - Pause audio playing when headphone is unplugged - performance improvement when loading lots of files